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Dress Code

Appropriate Dress

“The appearance of dress of students shall not be disruptive to the educational process or constitute a health or safety hazard,” as stated in the Jeffco School Board policy.

Although special dress-up days may occur during the year, such as Pajama Day, School Spirit Day or Hat Day, please help Lasley Elementary School maintain high standards of respect and honor for all students through the way they dress. Support the school by ensuring your student dresses appropriately for the weather. The school will attempt to send all students outside except on the very coldest or wettest days.

Lasley Dress Code

The following dress standards apply to Lasley Elementary School and other Alameda elementary schools. Lasley appreciates your cooperation in maintaining this dress code so that the school can maintain a focused and respectful educational environment: 

  • Dress that can be distracting to the educational process is not allowed. 
  • Clothing advertising or promoting (actively or passively) anti-social behavior, death or gang activity
    • Encouraging the use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sex or violence is not allowed. 
    • Shirts, other clothing or stickers on notebooks or water bottles with derogatory or negative messages directed toward, or about, any individual or group will not be tolerated. 
  • No gang graffiti or gang symbols at school. Gang clothing or gang “colors” are not permitted. ∙ 
  • Students who are not dressed appropriately may be asked to call home for a change of clothing or change into what is available in our clinic.