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Student & Family Handbook

aThe Lasley Elementary School Student Handbook is intended to complement the Jeffco Student Handbook. The purpose of this handbook is to inform students and their families of the structures which promote a safe, productive, and welcoming learning environment.  The staff members at Lasley Elementary are committed to providing a positive learning environment for all children, and for providing proactive social emotional learning that helps all students to follow the school-wide expectations successfully.

Lasley students are expected to be safe, respectful, and responsible members of the school community in order to contribute to a positive school environment in which all students feel like they belong.  Expectations for common areas have been established at Lasley and are listed and explained below.

While this handbook is not inclusive of all of Jeffco’s student policies, it does highlight some of them within this document.

Lasley Student Family Handbook (English)
Manual del estudiante (Español)
Sổ Tay Học Sinh (Vietnamese)
学生手册 (Simplified Chinese)
دليل الطالب (Arabic)

Jeffco Public Schools Student & Family Handbook

The Student and Family Handbook is designed to promote safety through high standards of behavior. This handbook outlines Jeffco’s policies, procedures and student expectations. Download the handbook in PDF format below.

Student and Family Handbook (English) Manual para estudiantes y familias (Spanish) Справочник для учеников и родителей (Russian) Sổ tay gia đình học sinh (Vietnamese)