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Dual Language

Dual Language in Jeffco

Dual Language programming enhances the development of content and literacy in both English and Spanish languages so students graduate ready for college, career, and life in a globally competitive economy and a collaborative international community. 

This unique program builds students’ linguistic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in both English and Spanish. Students learn standards-based content as they become linguistically and academically proficient in two languages.

Goals of Dual Language Programming

  • Students will achieve at high academic levels across all content areas in both Spanish and English.

  • Students develop high levels of proficiency in Spanish and English, and will use what they have learned in both languages to succeed academically and socially.

  • Students demonstrate positive cross-cultural attitudes and behaviors.

Benefits of Dual Language Programming

Dual Language education has cognitive, cultural and academic benefits for students, including improved job opportunities and communication skills.

  • Students in Dual Language programs develop academic and linguistic proficiency in two languages.

  • Dual Language programming supports the appreciation and understanding of different cultures and perspectives, fostering empathy and tolerance.

  • Early exposure to two or more languages positively impacts language development, cognitive development and reading. 

  • Dual Language programming supports students on the path to receive the Seal of Biliteracy.

Dual Language at Lasley

Lasley Offers Two-Way Dual Language Programming

Two-way dual language programming is for students of all language backgrounds with classrooms containing a balance of Spanish and English speakers. 

The instruction in two-way dual language classrooms includes 50% of instruction in Spanish and 50% of instruction in English in all grades kindergarten through eighth grade.

For example: My family speaks English at home and I want my student to learn Spanish with other Spanish and English speakers.

Two-way Dual Language Instructional Model

In kindergarten through 6th grade, instruction occurs 50% in Spanish and 50% in English.

Enroll Now

To enroll your student in a dual language program, complete the enrollment process through EnrollJeffco.

Contact Us

For more information about Jeffco’s dual language program:

Phone: 303-982-6644