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Health Services

Lasley Elementary School provides health services for all students. This clinic is available for those students who become ill or are injured at school. If a student’s temperature is 101 or above, the student is deemed very ill or has an injury that requires medical attention, parents will be called and expected to come immediately. Please do not send your student to school who is ill or has undiagnosed rashes or physical problems. 

Please notify the school if your student has a communicable disease so that the school may be alerted as soon as possible.

Health Services in Jeffco

Jeffco Public Schools' Department of Health Services provides health consultation and resources to support students and their families.

Each school has a district Registered Nurse (RN) who consults with students, families, school staff and administration. Ask your student’s school for their district RN contact details and notify the RN if your student has a health need that requires support during the school day.

Each school also has a school health aide who does day-to-day care of students such as medication, Band-Aids, and ice.

Keep your student’s health concerns updated at registration and as conditions change during the school year. It is important for Jeffco to have current contact information of families.

When Students and Staff Should Stay Home

Jeffco follows the recommendations from Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) on when students and staff should stay home from school, work or childcare. District RNs provide guidance to school administration following the How Sick is Too Sick document.

The best ways to stop the spread of infection is through good hand washing and staying home when sick.


Colorado law requires all students attending Colorado schools and licensed childcare centers to be vaccinated against certain diseases unless a medical or non-medical exemption is filed.  

For information about vaccine requirements, resources and exemptions, visit the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s School-Required Vaccines page.

Medical Forms

Lasley Elementary families must submit a medical provider-signed agreement if their student requires medication during the school day. 

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Hazel Health

Hazel Health provides free, additional physical and mental health care services for students.

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Health Insurance

Jeffco families can get assistance with Medicaid, CHP+ or other health insurance questions.

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Student Accident Insurance

Jeffco families may purchase accident, athletic and dental insurance coverage for their student.

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Hearing & Vision Screenings

Jeffco students in certain grades and exceptional needs students receive vision and hearing screening.

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Lice Protocol

Jeffco has specific lice awareness and protocols.

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